Aircraft 09-1 : CCCP-77115

Copyright Ola Carlsson-1999.

Aircraft Number 09-1
Current Registration CCCP-77115
Production Model Tu-144D “004D”
Maiden Flight 4th October 1984 : Voronezh, USSR.
Registration History Registered CCCP-77115 to Aeroflot - Soviet Airlines.
Final Flight 12th May 1986.
Total Flights 54 flights.
Total Flight Hours 38 hours, 34 minutes.
Current Usage Stored in the Tupolev's facilities at Zhukovsky.
Current State
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After tests realized in the “004D” model, Tu-144D was recommended for operations with passengers and even obtained the airworthiness certificate, but in the mid 80's the economic and political crisis in the USSR was evident and the program was cut down.

In the second half of 80's this aircraft was reused for training flights of pilots of the Soviet Space Shuttle “Buran”.

CCCP-77115 was never operated by Aeroflot and remains at Zhukovsky airfield. During the MAKS Airshow can be seen parked on the ramp as symbol of the largest and the most complicated program in history of Soviet aircraft industry.

Initially she was designated together with 08-2 to be converted into Tu-144LL Flying Laboratory, but this conversion was never realized.

This was the last completed Tu-144D.

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In the mid 90's she was in a surprising good condition.

Copyright Lukas Lusser-1997.
CCCP-77115 seems to wait for her turn to be converted in Flying Laboratory, but this never happened.

Copyright NASA-1998.
09-1 spent the hard Russian winter parked on the ramp.

Copyright PJSC «Tupolev».
This picture was taken during the MAKS-1999 AirShow in front of the Tupolev hangar.
Picture from It is highlighted that in this picture the nose has been retired.

Copyright Andrew Martin-2001.
A close view of the last completed Tu-144 without the nose.

Copyright Ken Duffey-2001.
Picture from 09-1 parked in a corner of the airfield during the MAKS-2005 AirShow.

Copyright Fyodor Borisov-2005.
Picture from Impressive picture of the CCCP-77115 restored and on display at MAKS-2007 AirShow.

Copyright Max Bryansky-2007.

Outside view of 09-1 : CCCP-77115
Pictures taken in the Air Base of Zhukovsky on 19th August 2005

 Copyright Levon Lofi-2005 

Also take a look at Checking the state of CCCP-77115 in the Air Base of Zhukovsky.

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